AAW Video Library |
Video Library HelpYou can also search for videos identified for beginners by clicking the "Select from Beginner Videos Only" button, selecting a "Category" and "Keyword" and then click the "Search" button. To see all the beginner videos, click the "Select from Beginner Videos Only" button, select "All" for both "Category" and "Keyword" and then click the "Search" button. To clear the beginners only search, click the "Select from All Videos" button. In all cases, the search results will be displayed in the table below the search functions. Each horizontal line in the table represents a video that meets your search criteria. The world icon in the Link to Video column is a link to that video that will open in a new window or tab, depending on your browser settings. You can also change the order that the videos are sorted by clicking on a column's title. Each click alternates between ascending and descending sorting. You can also view a help video here that provides a short tutorial on how to use the site. |